About Physical Therapy of Sarasota

Physical Therapy Services

Fitness and Wellness Center

Special Health Programs

Custom Foot Orthotics

Aquatic Therapy

Meet Our Staff


Special Health Programs

Masters Golf Program

Improve your strength, balance, flexibility and stamina with our  Masters Golf Program. After your comprehensive initial fitness evaluation, you'll be coached through a personalized fitness program designed specifically to get you in the best shape of your life for golf. 

You will initially be evaluated by a physical therapist trained in how to exam your body as it relates to golf health. Based on that information, a custom program will be developed for you and you will under go a 6 week program of fitness training. All exercises are golf specific with the sole focus to address those areas most important for your game. How many strokes would you like to take off your game? Let us show you how.

Back on Track Program

If you've ever been doubled over by back pain, you know how uncomfortable it can be. Over 80 percent of all adults experience disabling back pain some time in their lives. Now you can end your back troubles for good at Physical Therapy of Sarasota.

Your personal physical therapist will work with you every step of the way, analyzing your posture, teaching you how to lift and move correctly, and showing you how to safely strengthen muscles and help prevent future back problems. Choose from our Bachelors, Masters, or Doctoral Programs according to your needs.

Osteoporosis Program

Looking for more than just a lecture on osteoporosis? Look to us for a complete physical evaluation, including postural analysis, health history, therapeutic exercise to strengthen your bones and muscles, improving your balance and flexibility preventing falls and relieving your pain. Your personal physical therapist will work closely with you to make your osteoporosis a thing of the past.

2121 South Tamiami Trail
Sarasota, FL 34239

Phone: 941-365-2830
Fax: 941-955-1559

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