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Balance Program
  • Do you find it difficult to walk when its dark?      
  • Are you afraid to step up onto a curb?
  • Have you tripped and almost fallen?
  • Do you grab onto the walls when you walk?

     If you answered yes to any of these questions you have difficulty with your balance.

Balance is a complicated with the coordination of the eyes, ears, sensation  and muscles. Imbalance can be a result from many reasons including but not limited to surgeries, neuropathy, or aging. The good news is that you can do something about it. Studies have indicated that a specific program to address balance can improve someone's balance and safety by 50% or more.

An individualized balance assessment and treatment program can be the key to making you successful at regaining your balance.  We do a comprehensive  evaluation that includes assessment of muscle strength to key muscle groups, coordination,  balance specific tests, gait and range of motion. With that information we can put together and effective program that will address your complaint and get you back on sure footing. This program along with what medicine your doctor may prescribe will get you back on your feet again.

 Call us for more information.  

2650 Bahia Vista Street Suite 101
Sarasota, FL 34239

Phone: 941-365-2830
Fax: 941-955-1559


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